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Home > Google  > Google’s Operation: Expectation Vs. Reality

Everyone should have access to the best knowledge possible since, among other things, without it, we are deprived of our right to liberty and an education. Although it’s a little intense, it’s nevertheless vital to bring up in the introduction of our blog post.

In light of this, small business owners should be aware that they have limited control over how Google ranks websites, including their own. Though it might be upsetting, don’t be concerned. The search engine strives to give people the experience they want and need by making adjustments every day.

This begs the question: from whence do we get access to all of this data? Few of us visit the Library of Congress every day, despite its enormity. Although the 1,350 kilometers of bookshelves and the 164 million things located there are remarkable, we have an even better source of information at our disposal: you guessed it, Google.

The biggest library in the world is on Google. Google’s automated systems quickly combs through the hundreds of billions of online pages in their Search index to match you with the appropriate material whenever you need it. This isn’t just any old library; it’s one where the librarians—highly skilled tech engineers, developers, mathematicians, and computer scientists—work continuously on the systems that will provide you with all the pertinent, trustworthy, up-to-date information you need at any given moment.

Because humans are constantly changing and learning new things in this world, it’s crucial to remember that this system is never complete and has no beginning or conclusion. So that we can be sure that the content we’re receiving is what we want, the way it’s being provided must be thoroughly vetted. What good is information if we are misinformed? Furthermore, it’s crucial that this information be communicated in an objective manner. You cannot buy your way to better search results! Other than Ads, which are essential to keeping Google alive, Google will not accept payment for rankings. According to them, “Ads are how Search remains open to everyone.”

Fundamentally, the ranking criteria are complicated—just like people are. In order to enable you to easily examine information from a variety of perspectives and develop your own knowledge of the world, Google tries to assemble as much information as it can. What then is the catch? We’re here to deconstruct and explain this in the context of your company.

The Google Method

Google offers search results in a variety of ways depending on what is most appropriate for the kind of information you’re looking for, whether it be maps, stock prices, news, sports, photos, videos, or even the weather! In the same way that you, your company, and the rest of the world are always evolving, so too is search. All of this is done while maintaining the privacy and security of your personal information, just as it would if you had your nose in a book. To help you grow your business, it is crucial to keep learning more about Google and SEO.

Why Should You Know How Google Search Works?

It’s understandable why you’d think it’s futile to understand the technicalities behind search engines, but really this is a missed opportunity for you and your business. Understanding the basics in this way can really help solidify how to give your prospects exactly what they want, so you can enhance your website’s visibility on Search and drive more web traffic. This is so much more than passing off the nitty gritties of this work, but this is a good start.

How To Raise Your Search Ranking: What You Could Expect Versus What Happens

Expectation: A direct upward trajectory

Many believe that once their website starts to rank, they will be promoted directly to the top of Search.

The Truth: A consistent ascent

Google puts your website using a base rating once it has finished its exhaustive Indexing procedure (more on that later). The strength and accuracy of your online presence, Google’s “confidence” in your brand and your data, and the overall methodology (the “PageRank” algorithm) can all affect how you rank. For Google to build this trust and elevate your website in the ranks, it takes time, and it is not always straight up. Like most things in life, there are ups and downs. 

Expectation: Instant ranking

The majority of the time, we receive requests from business owners who want their websites to rank naturally (i.e., without the use of paid advertising) on the first page of Google searches.

The Truth:  The truth is that organic SEO takes up to six months.

Up to 6 months may pass before your website appears on the first page of a Google search for a certain term. This is due to Google’s continuous web crawling, which constantly updates Search with the most pertinent data. It’s important to keep in mind that keywords specific to a particular industry will probably take less time, whereas generic keywords will probably take a lot longer because there are so many other sites Google needs to filter through to rank these.

Expectation: You should be able to appear for every keyword.

You’ve noticed the keywords associated with your areas of interest. Now all you have to do is use them on your website, right?

The Truth: Several elements can be seen in different keywords.

The approach to keywords has evolved along with the sophistication of search. Totally diverse features are displayed depending on the user searching and the various keywords being searched for. Because of this, rankings are dependent on factors including website authority, keyword relevancy, and level of competition. Additionally, filling your page with hundreds of keywords, or “keyword stuffing,” could hurt rather than assist your ranks.

Expectation: What worked last year will work today.

And once you are ranked, it’s very much set in stone.

The Truth: SEO is a continual process.

Google is constantly learning, just like the rest of the world. As a result, to keep up with demand, you must regularly update your material, solve any errors, and adjust to the ever evolving search algorithm.

The Technical Details of How Google functions


Google uses automated tools known as web-spiders to “crawl” the web in search of any new information. These fictitious spiders gather every piece of data from your website—titles, keywords, description tags, even navigation—in order to figure out where to place you in search results.

Advice for you: The more methodical and concise you are with the information you give, the more probable it is that the crawlers will find you and link you with your target audience. Make sure all of your website’s content is crystal clear. Citations, links, title tags, and meta descriptions all assist Google in learning about your website (not just in body copy of page content). Take into account the captions, tags, relevance of your links, and references from social media or other sources (https://www.bmc.com/blogs/google-cloud-functions/).


The crawlers then submit their findings to Google, who uses this data (text, photos, video files, documents, etc.) to examine the content of the page and classify it suitably for Search. This is not to claim that indexing is certain; problems like poor content, overly complex backend web design, or “block search indexing”—a deliberate technique used in the backend of your website—can prevent your page from being indexed.

You should make your website easy to use and offer readable, user-friendly content that corresponds to the needs of your audience. This keeps people interested, promotes on-page relevance, and reduces bouncebacks, which Google again takes into account when ranking websites.

Giving Out Search Results

When a web page is indexed that basically means that Google has seen it and analyzed it and it can be seen in search results. This essentially makes it possible for our end user to retrieve information quickly and accurately. When a user submits a query, software searches the Index for pages that match the user’s request and returns results that the Google algorithm deems relevant. Naturally, as this algorithm was developed by imperfect humans, it may not always be accurate (we’ve all experienced receiving a completely irrelevant Search result!). This is because Google lacks the information necessary to fully comprehend the context of the question our customer is posing. By utilizing our strategic abilities, tactics, and in-depth understanding of Google’s workings, we assist our clients in growing their businesses.

One way to do this is by being specific enough in your content so that it satisfies a true need for your target audience. Does it address a specific need your user has, positioning you as a more valuable resource than competing sources? Make sure your material doesn’t contain information that is identical to that of your competitors because Google wants to display a diverse collection of results. It makes sense to focus on subjects (long-tail keywords) or user search intent to increase your visibility.

Concluding remarks

In the end, all of the components of search are in place to sustain a thriving ecosystem of current and helpful information that is available to everyone worldwide. The foundation of SEO is how Google finds and delivers that information, so expanding your online presence involves much more than simply stuffing your website with keywords. We believe we’ve shown how important it is to comprehend search to expand your business online. Do you want to know how we can assist you in developing a long-term marketing plan and expanding your internet presence? Contact us right away, and we’ll assist you in getting going.